Jesus Work Ministry, main site for all Jesus Work’s websites

†Christian Keys    †Warfare    †Fasting    †Deliverance Ministry    †Charity Work

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This site is part of Jesus Work’s websites with major keys for our extraordinary times. Keys on prayer & fasting, spiritual warfare, deliverance, prophecy, etc. Please see the lower part of this page for links to these major principles.




General Pages



† About Jesus Work
† Fasting Community
† Jesus Work Charities
† Donations/Offering
† Free Stuff Offers
† Jesus Work Store






Major Spiritual Resources



1. Christian Basics
2. General Principles
3. Prayer & Fasting Keys
4.a) Spiritual Warfare
4.b) Deliverance Ministry
5. Evangelism & Service
6. Discipleship Ministry
7. Singleness, Marriage, etc
8. Christian Financial Keys
† Biblical Sabbath (not Sat.)
† Bible Prophecy






Jesus Work’s Websites



† More Jesus Work’s Sites






Why many of Jesus Work sites have ads

Jesus Work Ministry is partly sustained by income through Google click ads to sustain its ministry work. Other key areas of income sources include web development projects, an affiliate store, and book sales from books published by Jesus Work. Through these avenues it remained self-sustained for its first 10 years, without seeking additional support.

Text link ads are largely Christian so they enhance rather than compromise our content and Christian work. The few secular ads that are served are on noble products and services. Please contact us at Jesus Work Ministry on any inappropriate advertisement so that it can be filtered. Thank you.

In addition, now that Jesus Work has grown beyond its internal funding sources and is now seeking offerings and contributions from partners it is likely that advertising will be reduced or entirely stopped on most of its network of websites.

Some websites, sub-domains and sub-sections have already had ads removed from them. It’s mostly websites or portions that trigger inappropriate ads from Google. Thus as funding from offerings and other non-advertising areas continue to increase there will be more reductions in ads being served on most of the websites. In the long run, where ads will continue as a worthy funding source will be where these ads add to, rather than subtract from the work of this ministry and general Christian purposes.

Thank you for your understanding, your partnership, and support to Jesus Work’s mission and purpose. May God bless you abundantly beyond your selfless offerings and contributions.


†. Mission and Purpose
†. Statement of Faith
†. Contact Jesus Work
†. Jesus Work Founder
†. Jesus Work News

†. Support Jesus Work
†. Jesus Work Store
†. Jesus Work Site Map
†. Prayer of Salvation
†. Privacy Policy




† Links to major sections of Christian Keys:
†Christian Keys †Warfare †Deliverance  †Breaking Strongholds †Breaking Curses †Occult Deliverance †Forums

†Fasting Keys  †Sabbath Keys †Social Keys  †Financial Keys  †Health Keys  †Life's Purpose  †Prophecy  †Bibles

†About Us  †Contact Us  †Donations  †Free Books  †Audio Sermons  †Charities  †Store  †News †More

[Ministry Mission Statement]  [Statement of Faith] [Prayer of Salvation]  [(More) Audio Sermons]  [Deliverance Books]  [Prayer & Fasting]  [MORE]
© 2004-  Jesus Work Ministry (main official site at [Privacy Policy] [All Biblical,  All Pentecostal, All Baptist]
 (Freely copy & share content for spiritual growth, non-commercial & for evangelism use, acknowledging authors. Contact Jesus Work Ministry for any other use)


More Jesus Work’s Websites 

Jesus Work Ministry: Non-profit Christian resource ministry for effective Christian living and spiritual growth. Major resource center on spiritual warfare, Christian deliverance, and healing ministry. Main and official website at, for all the websites under Jesus Work Ministry.

Below are links for this current website’s sub-section:

[About Jesus Work Ministry] [Contact Jesus Work] [Jesus Work Mission] [Jesus Work Websites] [Jesus Work Statement of Faith] [Prayer & Fasting Community] [Support Jesus Work] [Jesus Work Books] [Charity Section] [Charity News-Main Page] [Prayer of Salvation] [Online Bibles] [News at Jesus Work] [Online Forums] [Jesus Work Store] [Link Jesus Work] [Free Stuff] [Jesus Work Site Map]


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